Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Rested. A verb.
Requires action, to do nothing.
But something more than nothing.

Shalom. A noun. Or is it?
Requires nothing, to feel something.
Noun that causes an action.
Feeling becomes Truth.

To rest in Him that I might find shalom.

Jesus, Prince of Peace, have mercy on me, a sinner.

I wrote the above "poem" on my friends blog regarding the Sabbath. A friend of mine, Greg Dolmage, keeps a blog at his church website(www.erc.la/connect-blog)in California. He spoke of the sabbath and to keep it holy and rest in Him. As a type A, outgoing personality, I must be daily reminded to rest in Him. I am the American male...work, work, work. If I am resting, relaxing, taking a deep breath, I feel guilty.

Instead I should feel gratitude to be alive and able to know my Creator at an intimate level. To rest in His Creation. Could overwork be a respectable sin we tolerate? If it is, which I think we all know it is...then I am a sinner that must learn to rest in Him and confess this sin of "busyness." Jesus, the Prince of Peace, watch over me and my household and help me to rest in You so that I may know you more intimately. (Rob)

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