Friday, April 27, 2012

Opening a Deep Well

Lately, it's been difficult for me to write. Instead, I have been sharing writings of others on my blog. These various authors have encouraged me,  inspired me, or I've identified with their feelings and emotions or they offered insights that I treasured to share.

Over the years, writing has been therapeutic for me. When I read this quote from Henry Nouwen this morning, it encouraged me to continuing writing, even if it's only in my journal for no one else to read but me. 

I hope, in the near future, some insights will emerge from the deep well that I will again share. 
Until then, may this quote from Henry Nouwen encourage you to write.

"Writing is not just jotting down ideas.  Often we say:  "I don't know what to write.  I have no thoughts worth writing down."  But much good writing emerges from the process of writing itself.  As we simply sit down in front of a sheet of paper and start to express in words what is on our minds or in our hearts, new ideas emerge, ideas that can surprise us and lead us to inner places we hardly knew were there.

One of the most satisfying aspects of writing is that it can open in us deep wells of hidden treasures that are beautiful for us as well as for others to see." - Henry Nouwen

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Here - Kari Jobe - Acoustic Version - Album Where I Find You

We're Never Alone

"As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commands and remain in his love." John 15:9-10 (NIV)

Miss Emma's wrinkled hands cupped my chin — her palm a reservoir for my tears. I walked down the hallways saying tearless goodbyes to 119 other residents, and yet my farewell with her released a levy of emotions.

The scattered pieces of my heart felt like they were blown about by the scurrying of nurses' footsteps and doctors' orders resounding off the walls of the nursing home.

I couldn't just abandon her. It felt utterly wrong to leave her alone, forsaken in this dark place.

Her family, or lack thereof, had rendered her anchorless; adrift in the lonely seas of a 120 bed facility. My first "real" job at "The Brick" would have been bleak if not for Miss Emma and a few others.

I didn't allow many details of this place further than the surface of my heart. Stories repeated ten times each day. Routines of medicine and meals and the meandering of hallways. Yet one name, one person chiseled deep into my heart: Miss Emma.

I perched on the edge of our goodbye, on the edge of her bed, hesitant to leave her. "Who'll sit in the sunshine with you? Who'll listen? Who'll sing hymns with you?"

Worry wrung my heart. Visions of Miss Emma, alone... lonely... made my jaw tense and ache with pain for her. A square punch by sadness will do that to a girl.

But not her. Beautiful brown saucers brimmed with confidence. I waded in the refreshing waters of her eyes, rich pools of wisdom.

"I'll be fine sugar ... I'm never alone. Don't you realize the One who created the sun sits with me? He listens always, hearing my prayers and needs. His presence is in the very words we sing to Him.

Child, we're never alone."

Tucked away from the world, Miss Emma changed mine. She lived tightly knit to the Vine. Abided in Jesus' love through His Word and worship and prayer. Miss Emma dwelled in this truth:

Christ beside me, Christ before me,
Christ behind me, Christ within me,
Christ beneath me, Christ above me. ~St. Patrick

Though abandoned by her earthly family, she rested in the knowledge that her Heavenly Father never would leave her. Indeed, He made a home in her so she could nestle in Him.

Might we lay down in this comforting truth today as well? Curl up in His love by writing a Scripture verse on our heart. Lean into God's sure presence through lifting our voice in praise. Abide in His peace with a time of prayer ... sharing and listening.

Christ is within us, before us, behind us. And as Miss Emma so confidently knew, He will never leave or forsake us. We're never alone.

Dear Lord, thank You for calling us Your children. And for making a home within us, so we may rest secure in You. Because You are our dwelling place, we are never alone. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Let this truth fill your heart today, chasing away the loneliness, fear, and hurt:

Christ beside me, Christ before me,
Christ behind me, Christ within me,
Christ beneath me, Christ above me. ~St. Patrick

Excerpt from Proverbs 31 Ministries by Samantha Reed

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What Love is This?

You never change,
You are the God You say a word
When I'm afraid
You calm and still my beating heart
You stay the same,
when hope is just a distant thought
You take my pain
And You lead me to the cross

What love is this,
that You gave Your life for me
And made a way for me to know You
And I confess
You're always enough for me
You're all I need

I look to You
I see the scars upon Your hands
And hold the truth
That when I can't
You always can
I'm standing here
beneath the shadow of the cross,
I'm overwhelmed
that I keep finding up that ours

What love is this
that You gave Your life for me
and made a way for me to know You
And I confess,
You're always enough for me
You're all I need

Jesus in Your suffering
You were reaching Y
our thought of me
Jesus in Your suffering
You were reaching
Your thought of me

What love is this,
that you gave Your life for me
And made a way for me to know You
And I confess,
You're always enough for me
You're all I need

What love is this,
that You gave Your life for me
And made a way for me to know You
And I confess,
You're always enough for me
Always enough for me
Always enough for me

Lyrics by Kari Jobe