Sunday, January 31, 2010

To Know Him More

As a member of Trinity Bible Church in Cedar Falls, Iowa, I've had the privilege of learning from Pastor, John Miller for several weeks as he's preached a sermon series titled 'Finding Joy in the Journey,' using the Book of Philippians as his text.

This Sunday, he focused on Chapter 3 of Philippians, verses 1-11. The subtitle of his sermon was 'Pattern Your Life after People Who Set Their Sights on Knowing Christ.'

He said, "Gospel living is not just what we "do," but what we "prize" or value."

Pastor John, challenged the congregation with these introductory questions:

What is it you think you must have for satisfaction?

What do you cherish the most? Is it pride, family, health, a secure retirement, respect, friendship...?

What is it you're clinging to that may be hindering you from advancing the Gospel or knowing Christ more deeply?

Is that one thing really necessary for the task of knowing Christ or advancing the Gospel?

In the context of Philippians 3:8 - where Paul talks about knowing Christ, it means a vibrant, personal, passionate relationship. It's not knowing about Him (head knowledge/factual information) - it's knowing Him intimately as you would your closest friend. A person you can bear all things without fear of rejection.

Paul gave up everything - family, friendship, comfort and freedom in order to know Christ and his resurrection power. We, too have access to this power, but we may have to make sacrifices to enjoy it fully.

As I sat there listening to this message, emotions were welling up in me and I was about to "break" - weep uncontrollably. I nudged my husband and said, "I need to leave soon because I'm going to "crack." In other words, I was going to start crying, not the quiet, silent type - but the wailing type.

I began to bawl the minute I stepped out of the church, with sounds of agony. I wailed the entire drive home, and continued to as I walked into our home. My husband asked me if I could verbalize what I was feeling. I flopped myself down on the couch and said, "I'm not sure I can yet."

Then slowly, through the sobbing, I was able to gain enough composure to put some thoughts together. I replied, "It was as though the Lord was saying to me - "Terri, I needed you to surrender your work, your health, your financial security and even a loved one - all in one year SO THAT you'd KNOW ME more intimately. Terri, you don't need to "do" anything special to serve me, I want you to KNOW me." It's enough. I just want you to know Me."

A year ago, just days before the first surgery related to my cancer diagnosis, I prayed with two women. I remember praying, "Lord, You've drawn me closer to Yourself in the past through some very deep valleys. I pray with expectation that You will draw me closer to Yourself through this trial as well." I can answer that with a resounding, "Yes!" I do know Him much more intimately from these compounded trials in 2009, but it's been painful. It still is painful. There is much grieving that goes along with each of these losses.

What are you willing to give up in order to know Christ? A crowded schedule in order to set aside a few minutes each day to read the Bible and pray - to know Him? Your friend's approval - to know Him? Some of your plans or pleasures - to know Him? Whatever it is, knowing Christ, is more than worth the sacrifice. Seek no greater honor than just to know Him more.

Philippians 3:8 - What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I might gain Christ.

If you're interested in listening to Pastor John Miller's sermon it can be found at Click on sermons - select the one given on Sunday, January 31st.

I've also attached one of my favorite songs titled, 'In Christ Alone,' by Brian Littrell that relates to this subject.

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