Thursday, October 7, 2010

Through the Valley

Yesterday, I was struggling with fear and dread about my upcoming surgery, scheduled for Tuesday, October 19th. Fearing the surgeon will find more cancer in my body while he's performing my hysterectomy.  Fearing that ovarian cancer will be discovered before my ovaries are removed to prevent the disease. Crazy I know, but once you've had cancer the lens in which you view your health is changed forever.

I sought the Scriptures to combat my dread and fear. This morning as I was reading from a devotional by C.H. Spurgeon, I read four of his writings about the 23rd Psalm.

This is a familiar Psalm known as the "Shepherd Psalm." It's one often used at the end of life. I've heard it read at funerals to reassure the grieving who gather to remember a loved one.

What struck me today, was in verse 4, where it says, "Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect me and comfort me." (New Living Translation)

C.H. Spurgeon writes, "Although this promise is applicable to the dying, it is also for the living. If you are depressed by any difficult trial, then you are walking through the valley of death-shade." Notice the words are not in future tense; they are present - for TODAY - this very moment.

In 'The Twenty-third Psalm, An Interpretation,' by Charles L. Allen, "The valley of the shadow of death" refers to more than the actual experience of physical death. It has been translated as "the glen of gloom." It may be applicable to every hard and terrifying experience in life."

Are you dreading a forbidding journey? Are you in a dark place in life that you must pass through? Are you anguished because sickness is undermining your health? Death is certainly one of those forbidding journeys, but what about disappointment, loneliness, depression, trauma and pain? There are several others.

Wherever our pathway leads, we need not fear. Why? "For He is close beside us." There is power in Christ's presence. Let's not reserve this verse for our last day, but use it to combat our present day fears. He IS with us through every valley in life as our protector and comforter. 

Psalm 23:4 - "Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect me and comfort me." (New Living Translation)

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