Saturday, March 10, 2012

Promises, Promises

I recently finished reading the book 'The Shelter of God's Promises,' by Sheila Walsh. This is an excerpt from the first chapter.

"For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God." - II Corinthians 1:20

Do God's promises hold true in the darkest nights?

When everything falls apart - do God's promises hold true?

What does He promise us?

Can we trust God to keep His promises?

This is the shelter of all God's promises: God not only keeps His promises but He longs to keep us in them.

God does not change nor do the glories of His person and the salvation engineered for us. God's promises are as dependable as He is, because they are Him.

Numbers 23:19 says, "God is not man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind."

God cannot lie. When God makes a promise, He can never break it.

This is the primal struggle on earth before we are able to move on to receive God's promises. We have to separate promises that may never be kept from God's promises, which will never be broken.

We have a lifetime of experiencing deception, corruptions and embellishment on one side of the scale and a simple profound promise on the other: God cannot lie.

Our human experience does not sync up with this heavenly truth.

I wonder if we have such a hard time believing this, resting in God's promises, because we have been lied to so many times, because so many earthly promises are broken. Culture has driven us to think of promises as personal fulfillment, when God's promises are not about us, but about Him and being saved by Him. God's promises are an expression of His holiness.

Though we break God's heart at times, He loves us and says, "You can shatter me like My Word on the stone tablets. You can leave me in pieces, and I will still love you. I will hold onto you. I will create a place, a cleft in the rock for you, to keep you and on which you can steady yourself and stand." 

God keeps us not only to give us a future, but also to reflect His glory. He keeps His promises to us because He cannot help Himself, He cannot lie, and He is full of love for His creation.

Our faithlessness does nothing to diminish God's faithfulness. Whatever God says, we can stake our lives on. Christ came to show us who our Father is. In Christ all promises of God are fulfilled, for no matter how many promises God has made they are "yes" in Him. (II Corinthians 1:20)

The Father is truly the only Promise Maker who is an earnest Promise Keeper.

A promise from God is a promise kept.

There are His promises and His unbreakable commitment to keep them.

There is Christ.

There is yes.

Psalm 119:50 - My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promises preserves my life.

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