Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Sure Foundation

This morning when I sat down to have breakfast I read the passage on the flip calendar sitting on my kitchen table. It said -

"There is no other foundation than God's Word, Beloved! No other is needed, because the Word of God is totally sufficient. If you will embrace the Word of God and bring every dilemma and lay it at the feet of God's Word, then you'll find yourself, like Habbakkuk, walking with hinds' feet and not slipping." - Kay Arthur

The Lord God is my strength, and He has made my feet like hinds' feet, and makes me walk on my high places. Habakkuk 3:19

Once I finished my breakfast I decided to spend some time reading all of Habakkuk chapter 3. The verses that were significant to me this morning were 17-19 where it reads:

"Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, YET I WILL rejoice in the Lord, I WILL be joyful in God my Savior. The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights." (NIV)

In my footnotes it says: "Crop failure and the death of animals would devastate Judah. But Habakkuk affirmed that even in the times of starvation and loss, he would still rejoice in the Lord. Habbakkuk's feelings were not controlled by the events around him, but by faith in God's ability to give him strength. When nothing makes sense, and when troubles seem more than you can bear, remember God gives strength. Take your eyes off your difficulties and look to God.

God will give his followers surefooted confidence through difficult times. They will run like deer across rough and dangerous terrain. At the proper time, God will bring about his justice and completely rid the world of evil. In the meantime, God's people need to live in the strength of his Spirit, confident in his ultimate victory over evil.

Habakkuk saw his own limitations in contrast to God's unlimited control of all the world's events. God is alive and in control of the world and its events. We cannot see all that God is doing, and we cannot see all God will do. But we can be assured that he is God and will do what is right. Knowing this can give us confidence and hope in a confusing world."

Lord God, thank you for the sure foundation of your Word that is totally sufficient. Thank you that when life's circumstances are uncertain and shaky you are the Rock on which I stand - firm and secure. Lord Jesus, forgive me when I give into my feelings and look at circumstances that appear hopeless. Help me to fix my eyes on You, the author and perfecter of my faith and praise you in all things. Call to mind the certain hope I have in You my Savior, who IS my strength. Fill my heart with joy because of that truth. Make it overflow. In Jesus name, Amen.

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