Monday, November 16, 2009

Lord, Have Mercy

When pain goes through you again until the tears unwillingly fall from your eyes, pray this prayer, "Lord, have mercy on me."

Psalm 41:3-4 says, The Lord will sustain him on his sickbed and restore him from his bed of illness. I said, "O Lord, have mercy on me; heal me..."

I have found when medicine fails, or when sleep is chased away, or when pain becomes unbearable, it is good to appeal directly to God. Say, "Lord, I am Your child. Did You not say, 'As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him?" (Psalm 103:13) Therefore, "Lord, have mercy on me."

When hurting with pain of any sort, you may find quiet resignation, holy patience and childlike submission will enable you to pray this simple prayer, "Lord, have mercy on me." This often brings better relief than anything that the most skilled physician can prescribe. You are permitted and encouraged to look up into Your Heavenly Father's face and say, "Lord, have mercy on me."

Paraphrased from an excerpt titled, 'Be Merciful' from the book titled, 'Beside Still Waters' by C.H. Spurgeon, Edited by Roy H. Clarke.

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